Getting it together. . .

Being an avid reader and a part of many book groups, lately I've been seeing folks posting about their 2017 Reading Challenge. This prompted me to check out my own stats for the past year. I know I haven't been very consistent (like AT ALL) with reviewing on Amazon, so I wanted to contribute to those authors I've read this past year in some way, so I moseyed on over to my Goodreads account to submit reviews via their 5-star system. My amazon unlimited account is synced up with Goodreads, so each book I download to my Kindle Account automatically goes onto my profile as "currenly reading." I hadn't been on the site in a while, so I had over 150 books that hadn't been reviewed or moved to the "read" shelf! So I spent quite some time moving all of those "currently reading" books to the "read" shelves as well as rating each book via the star system.

Drum roll please. . . . my current total is 209 books read! I know for sure there are many more than this seeing as though I didn't have Goodreads synced to my Amazon account from Dec 2016 to-March 2017. Either way that is a whole butt load of reading!

While I am happy I've updated my GR profile, I am quite disappointed that I have neglected to consistently add reviews on Amazon. I probably have only 30 reviews of those 200 books. This is NOT COOL! Thus, one goal I have for this year is to consistently write reviews for each book I read! I need to challenge myself to do this and punish myself by not starting another book until the previous review has been completed, both on Amazon and GR! I have hand-written several reviews that I need to transfer over to Amazon reviews.

I'm starting off fresh with one of my TOP fave author's, Mrs. Christina C. Jones! She recently released Anonymous Acts. I can't wait to read this romance/mystery. I love me some Mrs. Jones! I remember my first book I read by her, Ante Up. I actually found out about and her work by another of my TOP faves, Desiree. Desiree's FB book club, The Cafeteria, was hosting a discussion on Ante Up, so I read it to be a part of the discusssion, and I've been hooked of CCJ ever since! I've read her entireeeee catalog! Also (lol) by getting into CCJ, I was introuduced to Love Belvin, who is also one of my TOP fave authors! Now that I think about it, CCJ is the real MVP. Her website, Girl Have You Read?, introduced me to an entire world of contemporary black romance (before this site, I read mostly only urban romance) There are so many authors whose work I found on GHYR that I follow and support on the daily.

Okay! Enough rambling!

In summay: I, Kee Frye, vow to review on Amazon and GR EVERY single book I read and to post a blog here for each of the best-EST novels I read.

Next post: Ode to my FAVE AUTHORS and my top read from each 

Peace, blessings, and books!


